We were sad to leave Zacapa because of all the amazing people and what they had taught us, but Adrienne and I were especially excited to get back to Xela. It had become like our new home the first 2 weeks we were there, and we were going to be able to return to our family.
On the way, we had to stop at the airport to pick up one member of the team and drop another off. Luckily, some of the family from Xela came and met us there. We were so excited to see them, and it was like we were back where we belonged. We got all situated in the cars, sadly with a little bit of conflict, but then we were on our way.
Some people in the group wanted to go to Antigua on the way, which lengthened the drive by about two hours, but also split it up. Antigua is the tourist center of Guatemala, and it is absolutely beautiful. Antigua in Spanish means "old" or "antique", and the town definitely lives up to its name. There are old buildings everywhere. Because it's so touristy, there are also shops everywhere, but they are filled with the most beautiful fabrics and colors I've ever seen. Adrienne and I weren't too interested in the shopping. We decided to stay and walk around with the family, which meant we got the natives' tour of the city. They knew where all the best views and landmarks were, and I was honored to go around with them. While we were there I was able to talk on the phone with Vicky, our honorary mom in Xela, who made sure to tell me there was banana bread on the table waiting for Adrienne and I. =)
The last week in Xela was one of the best and the hardest weeks of my life. We spent a whole lot of time with the family, but not as much time with the kids as we would have liked. When we walked back into el Hogar for the first time, all the kids ran over and gave us the biggest hugs ever. It was one of my favorite parts of the whole trip. We were able to just hang out with them for a while, play guitar, and sing "Jesus Loves Me". All I can say about those kids is they are the strongest, most amazing kids I've ever met. Their stories are so sad..and we were able to learn more that last week and grow even closer to them. We spent a couple days with them that week, just hanging out at the park and playing with them. At church that Sunday we had all the kids there for the first time. They sang and gave a few testimonies in front of church, and it was very emotional for some of them.
Three kids, siblings, had just gotten to the home a few months before. They were Christians before they got to the home, but they were put into it because their mom had died and their dad was a drunk. They weren't even able to go to their mom's funeral because they were already in the government home. It explained so much when we heard that. Just the joy that radiates from them, despite their situations, is super humbling. They were Christians before, and they never lost faith. They can have peace because of the hope they have in Jesus.
We also had the privelege of giving our testimonies at church together. It was nice for the church to hear our stories after knowing us for a little while. They also learned our ages, which helped people a lot. At lunch with all the kids Adrienne was talking to the boys, and they were all making fun of one of them because he had a crush on me. (It was only me because I was younger.) Adrienne asked him how old he was and he was like..20. Probably one of the cutest kids alive. He became my special friend throughout the week. =)
When we weren't spending time with the kids, we were hanging out with the family. It was great having the experience of living with them for 2 weeks already, because when we got back it was like we were really family. Adrienne and I both connected with the kids more than we ever had, especially with the oldest boy, Pablo. He was pretty quiet the first 2 weeks we were there, especially when he didn't know us very well. However, when we were back for the last week, he was totally comfortable around us and didn't hold anything back. We joked a lot with eachother. One of the most fun parts of the whole week was when he taught us how to drive a stick shift. Adrienne had already driven a stick once, but for me it was the first time. For those of you who think it's hard to learn a stick, try learning it in Spanish on the roads in Guatemala. Plus the 18-year-old Pablo was way too confident that we could drive well, so he took us out on the roads right away. I went first. Let me restate that it was my FIRST time EVER driving a stick, and although I can hold a conversation in Spanish, my brain doesn't process it fluently, especially under pressure. He drove down the road a little, and then just said "your turn". I was honestly terrified that not everyone in that car would survive the night. So I drove for a little bit, and was finally getting the hang of it, when he said "ok now turn around." I thought I had misunderstood, but unfortunately he was serious. My heart started beating a million miles a minute, and I was trying to stay calm and understand what he was trying to tell me. It took me about 10 tries to finally get the car turned around. Luckily everyone was laughing the whole time, or it could have been a very ugly situation. Adrienne then took over the drivers seat and drove home perfectly...show off. When we got back upstairs with everyone Pablo proceeded to tell everyone about my driving and how there were 8 cars backed up just waiting for me to finish turning around. (He lied..there were only 3.) I don't think I'll ever live that one down..but he did let me drive again.
The Wednesday before we left the church went out for a special night of volleyball, as a kind of farewell game. Adrienne and I were of course stoked to go play one last time, and the night was great. The people in the church were so supportive and loving. I know that we will never forget them. Saying goodbye was hard, but I couldn't stay sad for long because Pablo let me drive home. I got us back without stalling..but of course I heard "I'm so glad we're still alive! Do you have all your fingers?" and such when we got back. Those boys became some of our best friends, and you can't have friends without having atleast some teasing.
Some other highlights of the week were Lake Atitlan and the government waterpark, Xocomil. I would love to tell you all about it..but this blog is already long enough. However, ask me in person, and the stories will come out. =)
The end of the week came way too quickly. We had to say goodbye to all the kids in the home and the family. They were some of the hardest goodbyes I've ever made. With the kids, I don't know if I'll ever see some of them again. Even if we were to go back to Guatemala, some of them might be in new homes or back with their families. I know Adrienne will agree with me that they are never far from our minds, and if you ever think about it, they need your prayers. Saying goodbye to the family was just as difficult. They truly have become our family, and I can only hope that we will be able to visit them again soon. Luckily we have been able to stay in contact with some of them, but it's more difficult with the language barrier.
Thank you all so much for supporting us through this trip. It was, hands down, the best experience of my life. There were definitely days I wanted to just go home, but those were the times I learned the most. The people we met changed me forever. I learned just how important God needs to be in my life, I learned how important relationships are, and I learned what love really is. God has become #1, family #2, other relationships #3, and everything else comes later. I know that the month we spent in Guatemala would not have been possible without all your support and prayers. I only hope that someday we can find a way to repay you.
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