Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Conversation with Myself

So, before I came to Idaho for college, everyone would tell me, "it gets cold there." I did not believe them. I thought it may get a little more chilly than the great state of California, but it couldn't be that bad, right? Wrong. I discovered today that the lovely state I grew up in truly is paradise: the land where your hair never freezes and it rarely gets below 30s. I was thinking a lot about this today, and I had a long conversation with myself about it. It went a little like this:

"You know, there's a reason why God created the Garden of Eden in a warm place."

"You're right. I mean, the people in the Bible lived in the desert. They probably never saw a speck of snow, and never had to wear jackets and sweatshirts."

"Right, I mean, God didn't create us for this kind of weather. When he created Adam and Eve, they were naked. That means they were warm enough to not be all bundled up."

"Exactly. So God really didn't make people to live in the snow. He made them to live where it's warm."

"That is precisely why the Garden of Eden was not in Idaho."


There was a little more to it than that, but that was the basics. I made myself feel much better about my complaining about this horrible freezing dry make-my-hair-dry-ice-on-the-way-to-class weather. 

Sorry for trying to think we were smarter than you, God. This wonderful college should probably move somewhere warmer. 

"With God, all things are possible." -Matthew 19:26.